Tuesday, 25 November 2008

NXT Development

Well, in order to evaluate our current group work myself and Ed have decided to summarize or work by writing this post together, hence why i Ash am writing in Ed's blog! Hello! We have decided that during the 45 seconds we have, we need to show all the features that the NXT robot has and how they can be used by various age groups. There is a lot to cover with the NXT simply because of its advanced user input abilities are based on software that incorporates elements of modern robotics and also program ability that results in a fully customizable tool. To show what this means for the buyer in an advertisement style we feel that if we cover as much of its features as we can during the time we have, and also show the product being used in the hands of a target consumer we can achieve the kind of advert which educates about the product.

So, we can achieve this by including the following things in our footage:

+A description of the main features of the product. In this case this means the various sensors that are on the robot. They are the backbone of the robots usability.
-Optical Sensor *Allows the robot to sense movement of objects and thus use the programmed responses the user inputs. This needs to be explained and also needs to be evidenced of how this adds to the robots full uses
-Voice Sensor *Allows the robot to detect sound and respond appropriately again, The same is true for the:
-Light Sensor - This allows the robot to follows lines along the floor
-Touch Sensor

These will all be covered in the first portion of the ident. Each sensor will be animated to show its function and a description in both text and voice will be given of the features and what they do. We will make the images of these sensors quite high res, as we believe this will show them along with the processing unit as the real core components of the product. After all the rest of it is simply lego! This means we need to put across that the possibilities of customization are so massive because under the Lego brand it can be modified with new lego parts and thus any type of personal activity robot or creation can be achieved.!

Now for the next part of the ident! We need to show the processing unit YAH! This is the nucleus of our robot. All the main components plug directly into this and obviously this means the unit is responsible for product to pc communication with its usb port. At the bottom of the unit are the 4 main 'limb' (if you like) ports that allow for the maneuverability of the product! So well show all this by first showing the unit in a hand for clear definition of its scale and looks. Then well show footage of people plugging the unit into a pc and how the software can be installed onto windows or mac and is user friendly.\

With these parts covered its time to show the robot in action! Well be asking one of Ed's cousin to play the part of teen consumer and target audience. Hell be shown in different environments constructing the robot and using its key features while experiencing pure ecstasy from the sheer bliss that can be achieved from the awesome heart stopping NXT SERIES! (slight joke)
Ed's cousin will probably be shown sitting down and hopefully in a homely environment we've not to show true application of the product.

After this well show all the units together clearly and using stop start style shooting, well show the various parts being put together in various ways, making sure to incorporate all the different parts such as wheels, and all the nuts and bolts that can be constructed in different ways. Our idea is to get the product to maybe rotate as it is constructed/deconstructed which will give a challenging but fast and flowing looking montage of images.

That about coveres it till the end of the ident! But i must mention there will be relevant logos shown both at the start and end of the ident which will be animated to show the lego style parts. Also to get everything covered decided to narrate over the advert in an 'infomercial' style, well be using a relvant voice for this as well as a backing track, produced to sound robotic and futuristic!

Ed + Ash

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