Saturday, 18 October 2008

Sci Fi ident techniques.

Here is an example of the effect that I should be using in my movie. I learnt how to do a key light effect on a movie of a person standing in front of a green screen. The green screen should be tight and brightly lit so that it doesn't interrupt with the person in the forefront. The person in front of the green screen shouldn't bet lit up very much, unsless you need to capture detail on his face, non the less there should be a good contrast between him and the Green screen. Ok so after you have filmed the shot you capture it in Final Cut Pro then you open up the movie files in After Effects In After Effects you drag the files into a knew composition (of which you have adjusted the settings to your specifications).

You open up the movie frame and make a mask around the area which you want to alter (in this case the moving person), then find I found key light in the effects pallete. When selected it you use the color picker to pick out the green that you want deleting. After you select the green edit the gain and it should all vanish leaving your man in the forefront.

I then made it ultra bright, added a glow and used a tool that softened the edges.

This is the style I will use for my ident, its just what I had in mind, as you can see from my animatic .

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