Thursday, 29 May 2008

The end scene

This scene seems a bit randomly placed, though we thought we would leave the audiance in some confusion as to whats happening in the film for it is an advert. The last scene seems to changed direction as he wakes up in a dark room drawn to his PC. We used a first person shot again, this highlights its importance. The clever thing that we did with this was starting with the shutter closed, then opening it slowly whilst filming, this creates a shape like to eyelid opening.

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

The being sick scene

In this scene we used a first person shot of Ash being sick so that viewer almost feels it. We did this so that the audience would sympathies with the main characters pain. We also used a first person shot to show his hand overflowing with the black liquid . This was inspired by the ring as its kind of random and paranormal. There's another shot thats pretty directly inspired by the ring of the TV flicking . This was too to create a surreal atmosphere, though we think it may of been to typical and over-used , we still decided to use it as it seems to fit.

Saturday, 24 May 2008

The pil cuboard scene 2

This scene shows the Ash going to take the pills again, but this time the mirror is cracked, this was done to show things had taken a turn for the worst. Just a symbol like the glitch in the matrix when he see's the same black cat twice.

Friday, 23 May 2008

The woods scene

The scene before suggests that he was on his way to work, but then he wakes up in the middle of no-where ( the woods) . The camera then goes into first person mode to show his dazed and confused state. We think we'l put a blur on this to show the way that the main character is seeing things.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

scene 3 house exit

This scene involoves the main character leaving the house. We decided to use a distant shot that follows him round as he turns out the gate. Some good distressed acting here as he hits his head. We may want to slow it down , as we'd like the movie to appear fragmatic like his mental state.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Scene 2 pillz

we decide that the character took some pills so that the viewer would wonder if thats why he was disturbed. It zooms it flicks his hands as he pours them in . This is so there's clarity about what he is doing and so you can see the volume. We may well edit it so the pills come out in colour , like the girls in Schindlers list as we think it would add to the strange atmosphere of the film. It also highlights a focal point of the movie.

Monday, 19 May 2008

Scene 1 Wake up

Scene 1 Wake up

We decided for that camera should zoom in on Ashes face, then flick back to a wide shot of the room as he wakes and lights a cig. The beds a mess and he's asleep on a show, this was done to show he had a rough night. He lights up a cig, (which wasn't in the storyboard, but we used it to add a bit of character and show that he's a bit stressed)

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Scene 3

Scene 3 development and analysis

These secene I realised that I had to bring it too a close pretty early, (my storyboard has about 10 different scenes) though I decided I'd rather make the piece shorter and well produced (niece characters and animation) rather then having 10 rushed scenes. So the story had to be shrunk too, basically now at the end you just decide who wins and that character wins the race. This may not be very complex but it still makes the outcome your choice, just in the simplest way.

Above is the final scene, a race among the water edge, as you can see it starts of blank and then the boards come up with the questions, who would you like to win?, the tortoise? or the Hare? . I like the way the three boards slide up though if I did it again I would of made them change as your mouse rolls over them.

Above are the questions, here it stops giving the user a choice, they decide whats going to happen next. That interactivity for ya.

If you click the tortoise , the tortoise wins and if you click the Hare the Hare aceraltes past and wins. I did this by making the buttons link to the apropriate poit in the timeline using action scripting. If the turtle was clicked it would just play and the turtle would acelerate ahead , win and then a message comes saying the turtle won! (with music I made on the piano , a Japanese sounding celebratory piece). When the turtle won message comes up it has a stop action so it stays there. If you clicked the Hare it would jump to a point further on in the timeline (missing out the turtle vicory)and getting to the frames where the Hare wins, then like the turtle victory it stops and music is played.
I think the music suits the ending of the piece as it seems like relief/happiness music. I thought it would go correspond with the users mood, for his character had won the race.
I created movement , similar to how I did in scene 2 , though this time the background moves aswell as the characters , so it almost looks your looking through a camera following them. The finish Line comes in at an angle and moves slightly diagnoly down , this makes it look like the animals are on a slant, I was pleased with this again for it gives you a good feel for perspective. I think the running scene is well paced, one thing I could well of used was some speeding music, I also think that the warter should of been moving, but I ran out of time!

This is the Hare that's running , I animated him as a symbol, I gave him moving arms , eyes and ears, so that he looks realistic and charismatic, I think its worked well, his posture and arm speed contrasts with the turtle's slow scrunched up , struggling image. This adds a bit of humour which is important to attract children-I could of done with a bit of this.

This is the turtle, you can see he isn't a natural sprinter by his eyes and jittering posture, I made his eyes shut and his mouth pant to show his struggle, this works well for his character. His eyes ocasionly open to see where he's going, these factors make it all the more funny when he wins.

When I expand this I'd like to put panting sounds in and running noises , these would make the environment seem alot realistic though overall I was pleased with this scene.

Story Board

Click to enlarge.





This is the storyboard for mine and Ash's movie. It involves a guy waking up , hallucinating as eats his breakfast. He then goes outside and coughs up a load of black vile liquid .The main character then goes back inside, gets changed and makes his way to what seems to be work (as he's smartly dressed) , but somehow he wakes up in the middle of the woods. The camera then flicks to a first-person shot of the main guy looking around dazed and confused , we hope to add a glow as though the light is blinding him . The next scene again is him waking up in the same state and it runs through the same scenes again with edits of paranormal activity which the main character can't comprehend . This movie is more of an advertisement for a story about a guy who seems to be slowly losing his mind. KSlightly in the fashion of Jackobs ladder , were thinking of using effects to in black and white , like those from the ring I think this would be a good tool to add more suspense and add more atmosphere to the film. We are thinking of creating synth based soundtrack ,like that from the "Escape from LA" advert I researched. I think that music adds allot of tension to the story , a kind of brooding menace in the background.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

shooting ideas- the blair which project

This film was shot in a unique first person camera, by use of the camera. I think it gives the viewer an insight into the main roles perceptions, which help you know there feelings. This device could be used in some parts of are film, I think it would be good to shoot some parts in the woods, so that there's more diversity , and woods can be made into a rather mysterious place . We'd like to use some first person shooting ourselves to vary the shots and surprise the audiance.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Research - Black and White effects the ring

I know this is a bit overdone, but I think for a horror film with quite a low budget these kind of effects are perfect to add fear and suspense into a film. Me and Ash are already thinking of shooting the film in Black and White , though that will depend on how it looks when we've shot it.

Friday, 9 May 2008

Movie Research - Groundhog Day

I know this isn't exactly a horror film, more a comedy . But I like the idea of the character waking up and replaying the day. I think you could make it work in a horror film. We may well make the main character wake up multiple times but have a slightly different day each time he does. The variation helps keep the attention of the viewer as the main character reacts from these knew things differently.

There's an ad for it , the reason I keep showing ads is for they sum up what the film is about best.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Jackobs Ladder Research

I watched this film the other night and it gave me a few ideas about mine and Ashes movie. Its basicaly about a guy who feels psychological after effects from the Vietnam war. This is portrayed by hallucinations and physical trauma's , me and Ash thought that these would be good themes for are film. We'd like to be dealing with a characters who's mentaly and physically traumatized ( sounds weird though most horror films are weird)

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Sene 2

Scene Analysis

Here is the Hare and Turtle at the starting blocks, I was really pleased with the way this scene moves, the sun in the background swirls round and the Hare and Tortoise brace themselves before you click on them and off they run.

You can see from the picture above, a sign comes up and tells you what is happening like a cominc narrative, like that Japanese site I looked at. The Hare and toroise then run along a path which I created going to the end of the road-the tortoise falls behind.

The Rabbit, Turtle and Sun were a animated graphic symbols ( basically you can create symbols seperatley that move independantly in the main feature) I made his arms, ears and legs on seperate layers so that I could move each ibody part at the same time easily without confusing them amongdt each other. I think his ear twiching is good for the his charisma as is the turtles yo yo neck which portrays his sloping posture, these elements give the characters life that kids will empathise with.

The sun in this is the only thing not hand-drawn, but I think its dim colours and fluid motion works well in the scene. The suns rays spin round which gives it life , it sits behind the mountains which gives the scene a 3-D aspect. This was inspired by a sun on the game okami.