Monday, 14 January 2008

Back To Jacques

For one of my latest briefs I'v been asked to create an article , with my own text. I've chosen to do this on Jaques Brel (I did a psot on him a coupe of months ago). He was a Belgium , who sang in French , from 1940 to the late 1960's . In England he isn't very well known, though in France he's quite a Legendary icon. There's a Jacques Brel station on the Brussels train line (Brel lived there for a long time and even wrote a song called "Brussels"). Jacques music for his time was rather wild , unlike most of the mainstream performers Jacques didn't conform to the subdued style that was common in that period. Jacques would act out his performances with an ever present flaming vigour , his views both political and social, emphasised in pure poetry. Edith Piath recognised Brel's performing brilliance .

"He goes to the limit of his strength because, through his singing, he expresses his reason for living and each line hits you in the face and leaves you dazed." Edith Piath On Jacques Brel.

I'd like to create a rather classy double-paged spread for this piece , using iconic imagery of Jacques (I may edit these or use natural pictures). My double page spread should be appealing to an older and younger audiance (like something from rocksound or uncut)

Below is an example of the imagery I'd like to incorperate , you can see from this picture the expressive nature he has.

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