The text is just after here, I couldn't find any books on Jacques so most of the information was found on websites, and general knowledge, all though I did watch a BBC series which once featured him and is now on youtube!
I think that its a good summary of the mans life, it shows his achievements, his interests and attitude, at a very readable level.Its an acumilation of knowledge I'v gained from various sites (Belgian porp rock archives and youtube videos) I also learned alot from a BBC documentary and he is mentioned in David Bowie's biographys as an influence.
Jacques Brel was Belgian-French speaking singer , born in 1929. His farther owned a cardboard box factory , of which Jacques was supposed to take over. Though Jacques showed no enthusiasm for this and joined a Catholic-humanist youth organisation , where he met his future wife Therese Michilesen. At this group he sang and took part in plays and in the early 50’s he released a single (La Foire/ll ya). Then in 1954 he quit the factory and whent to pursue a singing career. Though Brel had some set-backs on the way , one musician claimed it would be better if someone else sang his songs , for he thought Jacques couldn’t sing and was too ugly. Though this didn’t stop Jacques who by 1956, was touring Europe.
Sadly Jacques began to spend alott of time away from his family as his success increased. This was due to his passionn and dedication, to living his dream.
As Jacques progressed and met knew musicians , his musical style progressed and grew deeper. Jacques later tracks seem to have much more power and diversity then his earlier pieces. Jacques is regarded as an exquisite poet/lyricist, for his choice of words and the depth of his meanings . Jacques songs range from being loud, hilarious and satiric , to being slow, moving and heartfelt. His songs seem to poccess energy and drama that wasn’t common in music during this time. To emphasise this Jacques didn’t perform like any average singer, he seemed to enjoy acting each song out, playing every character.
Though in England and America Jacques Brel isn’t well known , he is still remembered as a Classic/Legend in France. In Brussels there is Jacques Brel Metro station and a Jacques Brel theatre, where young performers inspired by Jacques go to perform. Though Jacques is relatively un-head of in England there have been some famous versions of his work Terry Jacks version of “Seasons In The Sun” topped the charts (though it was a very tacky version of the original), Dusty Springfield covered “If you go away” and David Bowie covered “My Death and ”Amsterdam” early on in his career. So it can’t be said that Jacques influence didn’t spread around. Jacques finished his singing career after 15 years.
Upon announcement of Jacques retirement he was asked “Don’t you feel your abandoning the French people?, to which Jacques replied ”When I started singing nobody wanted me to start, then I stop and every one wants me to carry on!”. Though Jacques did quit singing his songs he went into recording and meticulously whent about recording all his songs. Jacques then went into film directing and even acted himself in couple. He also acted in plays for a few years. Though Jacques had a pilots license he also enjoyed sailing and in 1973 bought a yacht, planning to sail round the world, though when he reached the Canary Islands, Brel was diagnosed with lung cancer (Jacques had always been a heavy smoker). He died in 1978. Though his memory still lives on in theatrical productions and in the minds of musical conneseurs.